Welcome to The True Blue Oval
Here you will find anything and everything about Ford's. Whether its news, videos, pictures or just general comments and stories.
Where does the name 'The True Blue Oval' come from? For those that don't already know the Blue Oval is a common nickname for the official Ford logo that you see to the above left.
My inspiration for creating the this blog has sprouted from a life long brew of love for Fords. It all began with my dad working for Ford Australia for over 20 years. His love for Fords had rubbed off on me since i was born. All the cars that he ever owned where fords, except for the ugly EH Holden when he first arrived in the land down-under. He only had it for a few months and had so much issues that he needed to make a change and thats when he became a ford man himself with a purchase of the Ford XA Falcon. Around that same time is when i was born and as the years went on whilst my dad worked for ford, i became older and my exposer to fords was on a daily basis. I watched my dad go threw a few Fords starting from the XA Falcon, to the XC Falcon then to a XF Falcon and then an EA Falcon. By dad wearing Ford badged overalls to hats and polo-shirts all the time, you can see how i was practically brought up with the blue oval surrounding me at all times and thats where my love for Fords all began :)
When i turned 16 i got my learners drivers license and i knew my first car had to be a ford, it was in my blood. At that time i loved the Ford TE Cortina so i bought one. It was stock standard and with time i saved my money and started doing some work to it. Man that cortina had some get up and go! Two years later i purchase a Ford Laser TX3 and currently it is my personal pride and joy. Over the next few posts i will get into more detail about my fords as well as my dads and any other fantastic fords i have had the privilege of being in contact with of the years, so stay tuned...
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